Welcome to Roots & Branches Wellness.

Therapists in Lehi, Utah, helping you understand your roots, discover your branches, and everything in between. We specialize in maternal mental health, couples therapy, and life transitions, as well as general wellness.

Our specialties

Maternal Mental Health

The most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth is a mental health issue. Our therapists understand that pregnancy and postpartum can be a very difficult and vulnerable time for many women. It’s ok to not be ok! We offer support and skills that help when dealing with postpartum depression, anxiety, or OCD.

Couples Counseling

Drawing upon Gottman and EFT frameworks, we help couples identify and stop the negative patterns occurring in their relationship, including blaming, withdrawing, isolating, and criticizing, among other things. We help partners increase emotional responsiveness, understand attachment, and create new patterns.

Life Transitions

We all deal with emotional pain in our lives. It is our privilege as therapists to accompany clients as they process and begin to heal from this pain that is often present during difficult life transitions. These transitions can include faith crisis, divorce and family changes, pregnancy/infant loss, infidelity, the death of a loved one, and much more.

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Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

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What is Postpartum Anxiety?

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How to Trust After Betrayal

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What is Postpartum Depression?

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Step into our grove of wisdom . . .