Does Your Bedtime Routine Include Giving Thanks?

Have you noticed a shift in your ability to catch quality sleep? Perhaps you reminisce about the days when falling asleep was a breeze, and waking up felt like a refreshing reset. If you find yourself struggling with sleep, you're not alone. The good news is that incorporating a few minutes of intentional gratitude into your daily routine might be the key to better sleep. Research suggests that expressing gratitude is not only linked to improved sleep quality but can also help reduce negative personality traits associated with impaired sleeping.

The Relationship Between Gratitude and Sleep:

Recent studies have explored the intriguing connection between gratitude and sleep. Participants who engaged in gratitude exercises reported increased sleep duration and a more refreshed awakening. Gratitude, as a trait, is associated with positive coping mechanisms, improved social functioning, and a unique positive impact on overall well-being and social relationships. The study proposes that gratitude influences sleep through the mechanism of pre-sleep cognitions.

Understanding Pre-Sleep Cognitions:

Pre-sleep cognitions are the thoughts that occupy our minds as we drift off to sleep. For individuals grappling with insomnia, these thoughts may involve list-making, problem-solving, anxiety, or counterfactual processing. On the other side of the pillow, those embracing positive behaviors, like expressing gratitude, tend to cultivate pre-sleep cognitions that are positive, uplifting, and relaxing. “As a trait, gratitude is related to positive coping, social functioning, and has a unique and casual effect on positive well-being and social relationships,” says the authors of the study. This sets the stage for improved sleep quality, longer sleep duration, and reduced daytime sleepiness and dysfunction. 

If you are unused to sending out messages of thanks to the universe, deity, or the people in your life, now is a great time to start. 

Practical Ways to Infuse Gratitude into Your Bedtime Routine:

Gratitude Journaling:

Dedicate a few minutes before bedtime to jot down three things you're grateful for. Whether it's a positive interaction, a small achievement, or a moment of joy, reflecting on these positives can shift your focus away from stressors, fostering a peaceful mindset.

Express Gratitude to Your Support System:

Share your gratitude with a partner, friend, or family member. Strengthen your social connections by expressing positive sentiments. You don’t have to bring back thank you cards (but you could!) as a simple goodnight text or a heartfelt appreciation can go a long way.

Create a Gratitude Ritual:

Establish a bedtime ritual that incorporates the practice of expressing gratitude. Whether quietly contemplating the positive aspects of your day or vocally sharing thanks with a loved one, the crucial element is consistency. Making this a habitual part of your sleep routine not only ensures its regularity but also heightens your awareness throughout the day. By acknowledging the good things in your life consistently, you extend the positivity, enriching your overall daily experience.

Mindful Breathing with Gratitude:

Combine mindfulness and gratitude through deep breathing exercises or gentle stretching before sleep. Inhale gratitude, exhale stress. Mindfulness looks differently for everyone, but having a mindful approach to gratitude can calm the activity and flurry of the day and set the stage for a restful night.

The study reveals that pre-sleep cognitions play a crucial role in the correlation between gratitude and sleep quality. Grateful individuals tend to encounter fewer negative pre-sleep thoughts and more positive ones, fostering an environment conducive to better sleep. Think of gratitude as an essential addition to your bedtime routine, as vital as your skincare regimen. As we step into the Thanksgiving season, there's no better time to adopt the practice of gratitude. By seamlessly integrating simple gratitude exercises into your nightly routine, you not only improve the quality of your sleep but also amplify positivity throughout your day, cultivating a heightened awareness of joy in your life. Quality rest becomes a gift to yourself, nurturing mental well-being and resilience amid life's challenges and joys. Embrace the transformative power of gratitude, and may your nights be restful and your days brimming with thankfulness.

Wood AM, Joseph S, Lloyd J, Atkins S. Gratitude influences sleep through the mechanism of pre-sleep cognitions. J Psychosom Res. 2009 Jan;66(1):43-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2008.09.002. Epub 2008 Nov 22. PMID: 19073292.

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